Is Your Boiler Condensate Pipe Leaking? Here’s What To Do!

 A leaking boiler pipe is never a pleasant sight to see, it’s often quite troublesome, and sometimes there might even be dangerous consequences.

leak repairs and plumbing in Dubai

A faulty water heater might cause some serious and costly property damage not just to you, but to your neighbors as well. It’s not recommended to try and fix the leak by yourself as you may cause the whole system to lose its protective inhibitor.

A leaky boiler can be caused by any number of reasons, so this checklist should help you diagnose the problem on your own.

Once you notice a problem in your boiler pipe, there are a few important steps that you need to follow, even if you have decided to cDall a professional plumber.

  1. Turn off the water supply. In order to keep the puddle from growing, it’s a good idea to stop the water supply to the boiler. You can do that by turning off the internal stop tap. 

  2. Switch off the heating. If you’re using central heating, better switch off the system as well. Like with any other appliance, it should be disconnected by all utilities while being repaired.

  3. Drain the system. Since it’s a boiler, it definitely has some water left inside. To drain the remaining liquid, it’s enough to simply turn on your tap. Or all the taps in the house, including flushing your toilets to speed up the process. Once no more water is coming out, you’re good to go. 

  4. Mop up the water. If the puddle under the boiler has collected too much water, you better mop that up. It will make things easier for the repairman and it will reduce the water damage in general.

  5. Wait for the plumber. Once all of the above is done, there is nothing else left to do on your part. Just sit tight and wait for the technician to assess the cause of the damage and propose a solution.

 A leaky boiler pipe causes as much hassle as any other plumbing problem, which is why the best thing you can do for your property is to let a trained professional inspect the pipes for you. If you are looking for leak repairs and plumbing servicesin Dubai, reach out to Vfix. Their trained team of professionals can fix almost anything and are known for expertise in leakrepairs and plumbing in Dubai.

property maintenance company dubai


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